Garrett AT MAX metal detector is a paradise for every professional treasure hunter. Metal detectors are a piece of heavy machinery.

These require tons of research before making any purchase decision. You need to have accurate information about these devices.

Through this guide we will cover all relevant points about this device. It is the latest addition in the Garrett metal detectors lineup. The 2021 launch offers you amazing benefits.

Key Points :

Features of Garrett AT MAX

The Garrett AT Max is a top of the line metal detector with accurate readings. In this section, we will take a look at the features of the device.

Controls :

The controls of the device are accurate for users who want to find hidden treasures. You can tweak them according to your requirements. The buttons come with labels that help you out tremendously. You can adjust the Frequency, Notch Disc, Threshold, and much more on the device. Users can pinpoint the location of Metals effectively with this control panel.

Coils :

The Coils on the Garrett AT MAX have an amazing 8.5” X 11” coil. It has high performance and helps you get started with treasure hunting. The best part is that you can add additional Coils for more Performance. All Garrett coils are compatible with this latest device for your use.

Waterproof :

The unique selling point of this metal detector is the amazing Waterproof nature. Users can utilize this for their expeditions in the unknown. It is a good feature to have so you can avoid wet grass, rain, or waterlogged areas. You can never be sure about the weather as well. The device has waterproofing up to 10 feet of depth. It also works well in Saltwater areas but we recommend that you avoid such areas.

Searching :

Garrett AT Max comes with some unique search modes. These will help out tremendously in making additions to your collection. There are custom modes for Coins, Zero Discrimination, and many custom tweaking options. It also comes with a specific target separation mode. You can be sure about the different things that you are digging up. It helps you determine whether the metal is a coke can or a piece of jewelry. There are up to 44 iron points to help you avoid random things like nails, bottle caps, and get resourceful things.

Frequency :

Garrett AT MAX also comes with a 13.6Khz frequency for accurate hunting. The range is customizable for your benefits. The frequency makes it the ideal device to go gold searching in the wild. It is one of the most difficult tasks anyone can take upon. The metal detector is suitable for all types of metals.

Audio enhancements :

The Audio on the device is aided with the help of the complimentary Garrett headphones. They are a necessity, unless you wanna spook the people around. The wireless headphones are perfect because there is no delay on them. You can be sure about the location of your jewels and relics. You can also customize the tone for different metals. It helps you distinguish between iron and other metals.

Ground balance :

We all know that the ground can play a huge role in accurate identification of metals. The ground balance feature helps you to avoid false readings. Moreover, Garrett AT MAX has automatic ground balancing. It is ideal for those who want to go digging in mineralized regions. It also has manual modes to avoid any issues.

These are some of the essential features of the Garrett AT MAX metal detector. You can have a great time going on treasure expeditions with this device.

Conclusion :

Garrett AT MAX is the ideal fit for professional metal hunters. Once we weight in the pros and cons, the AT MAX turns out to be the best in the business. Garrett has yet again offered the enthusiasts with the bang for their buck. It is ideal for experienced users who want to upgrade their arsenal. Newcomers might find the controls to be a little confusing. Once you get used to it, it is all smooth sailing from thereon.

By Features

Warmth 100%
Thickness 94%
Accuracy 91%
Easy to Use 90%

Customer Reviews

Our Score

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